How to Make Self-Love a Practice: Some Ideas to Help You Bloom Into Your Most Authentic Self

This day, I vow to myself to love myself, to treat myself as someone I love truly and deeply - in my thoughts, my actions, the choices I make, the experiences I have, each moment I am conscious, I make the decision I LOVE MYSELF. -- Kamal Ravikant In It All Starts with You! Why Loving Yourself First Is Essential …

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It All Starts with You! Why Loving Yourself First Is Essential

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. – Rumi In our western society many of us struggle with self-love, considering it selfish. Often we feel inadequate and judge ourselves harshly. We do not even question our self-loathing, assuming …

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Say Yes to Yourself! Set Boundaries

Walls keep everybody out. Boundaries teach people where the door is. -- Mark Groves In Are You Brave Enough to Feel Vulnerable? we learned that connection is the root of healing. However, what can we do to feel safe when interacting with others? Setting boundaries is fundamental. Let's start with a definition. Boundaries are our lists of what’s okay and …

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